The weather today is spectacular. The sky is a vivid and clear blue, the trees fully leafed out, and the warm weather is bringing out the wonderful smells of the grass fields. My allergy pills are thankfully working and allowing me to breathe in the incredible aroma my little valley has to offer.
We have had so much rain this spring that the warm sun is bound to cause everything to burst forth in a fit of gleeful growth. The garden might actually start showing signs of producing the fruits and vegetables we planted there some time ago. The only thing that has been loving the soggy weather has been the slugs, who have also been feasting on the plants we are hoping to supply us with our summer crop. Slug bait, here we come.
Along with the sights and sounds of happy birds, are lawn mowers, motorcycles, convertibles, children and dogs in play, and the humming wings of the hummingbirds feasting from the feeder hanging from our porch awning. I don’t know about you, but I actually enjoy the sounds these evoke, as it shows that others are enjoying the world around them.
Flowers are also bursting forth in colorful abandon, sending their intoxicating sweetness through the already aromatic air. The sun’s rays causing their leaves and branches to stretch skyward as though trying to touch its brightness, giving thanks for its life-giving warmth.
It’s truly a time to rejoice in the sounds and smells of nature.