Sunday, October 25, 2009

Autumn Preparations

The heavily falling leaves are now revealing the intricate structure of the trees they once covered. Cloud-filtered light finds less obstruction as it illuminates once-shaded ground. Gray smoke wafting from chimneys and burn-piles, add to the haziness of the day.

Cooler weather persuades most to slow down and ready themselves for the attributes of winter. Spring and summer endeavors readied homes and supplies for more adverse conditions, allowing for a more comfortable existence within cozy confines as colder temperatures drive occupants for cover.

Where activities were centered outside during warmer temps, they become focused inward to reflect thoughtful anticipation of festive occasions and quiet pursuits. Soothing smells of comfort foods waft lazily along and urge contemplative grazing.

The effects of winter will soon embrace the hibernating landscape, slowing movement to a veritable crawl. Wistful expectation of warmer weather and vigorous growth encourage all to prepare for the rites of spring, thus completing the cycle.

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