Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The Honor Of Listening

We have all heard or read about the importance of listening. But, how many of us make a concerted effort to actually not just listen to the person talking to us, but actually HEAR what they are saying? We have to realize that our own personal points of view, history, and life lessons filter what is said before it reaches our understanding. Therefore, what the person says may not necessarily be what they mean.

When we stop and really listen, we also learn. It gives us the opportunity to understand perspectives. It gives us time to actually get a better picture of what our part may be or whether we even have a part. Sometimes our part is simply to allow the person an opportunity to talk.

Listening honors the person talking. It says to that person ‘you are important.’ One good way to make sure what you heard is really what they said is by paraphrasing it back them. Remember, it is not always necessary to give your point of view, offer advice, or solve the problem. Sometimes, it may be the best way to process through a problem in order to reach the solution themselves.

Who have you honored today?

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