Saturday, April 4, 2009


I just read a quote that said, “Our lives are the sum total of the choices we have made” by Wayne Dyer. Every choice we have made to this point has led us to where we are today. I can see that I have made some good choices and some poorer choices over the years. Some choices are made for us, whether we like it or not. Circumstances can also produce a lot of leverage in either a positive or negative way. Regardless, we always have a certain amount of choice, even if it’s only how we deal with circumstances. Certainly, the current global economic situation gives us ample opportunity to make choices, especially how we handle changes in our own economic status.

While analyzing the above quote, I think about the decisions I am making that will shape my future. In the past, my writing has primarily consisted on writing pieces as the inspiration has fed them. I would work on them only when I could carve out a moment of free time, which was hard to do with kids, husband, business, etc. Now, I have more opportunity to focus on my own aspirations.

One of the decisions I have made is to subscribe to Premium Green, a freelancing eMagazine. It is full of great information and leads to periodicals looking for articles and stories. There are several I intend to query. I am also building a calendar and plan so I can stay on track. It is amazing how much information is available to help people succeed. I have listed some new websites and blog information on this site. I will continue to add more, as time goes on. Keep checking back to see what’s new.

Enjoy your day!

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