Friday, April 17, 2009


My husband and I have a dog and 3 cats. Yes, they rule our lives. Two of the cats are brothers and look identical. In fact, the only way my husband can tell them apart is to feel their tails. One of them has a kink at the end. They are the funniest things on four feet.

They LOVE an inflated Mylar balloon. Any Mylar balloon. As long as the string is within reach, the chase is on. Jerry will pull the balloon down until he can get the base of the balloon in his mouth, at which point, he will take off running around the house. Tom, his brother (yes, we named them Tom & Jerry!), will take off after him, chasing the string that is trailing behind. We have tried to take pictures or video, but it happens so fast, we never have time to catch them. What pictures we have gotten, are incredibly blurry. Fast moving felines. They make us laugh all the time.

It’s amazing how varied our furry kid’s personalities are. Ruby, our yellow lab, thinks the sun rises and sets with my husband. She would follow him to ends of the earth. Henrietta Marie, our old tuxedo kitty, feels the sun rises and sets with her. She’s SUCH a prima donna. Tom and Jerry follow me around like puppy dogs. Writing can be a bit of a challenge with them vying for space on my lap with my computer!

Each of them brings a new dimension into our lives we would miss without them. Though Ruby and Henri will likely pass on in the next year or so, they have enriched our lives through their own.

Who enriches your life?

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